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0.33em 0.66em; border : thin solid #cbcac1; color : inherit; background
: rgb(250, 250, 250); } .home > ol > li:nth-child(even) {
background : rgb(251, 251, 251); } .home ol ol, #front ol { margin : 0;
padding : 0 0 0 2.5em; border : none; list-style-type : decimal; }
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background-repeat : repeat; background-position : 10px 10px; border :
1px solid #333; margin : 0 3% 1em; padding : 10px; } #testgrid,
.testgrid, .test { font-size-adjust : none; } hr { margin : 1em 3%;
color : rgb(200, 200, 200); border : 1px inset; height : 3px; } .clearHR
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h5 ~ , #t2 h5 { color : yellow; background : blue; } #t3 h5 + , #t3 h5 {
color : lime; background : #ccc; } .testgrid::before { color : green;
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border : 3px double #b00; } .testgrid h5::after { color : yellow;
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solid #000; } ul#lcnF:target { background : #f2ab91; } #t1 a {
background : #ccc; } #t1 a:not(:focus) { background : #fff; } .testgrid
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height : 2em; border : 1px solid #008; background : #f1f1f1; } #t3
:lang(fr) { border : 2px solid #080; } P:first-letter { color : maroon; }
.cl2:first-letter { font-size : 200%; } P.cl3:first-letter { font-size :
350%; } BODY > { color : green; } BODY > .cl1 { font-family :
sans-serif; } DIV OL > LI STRONG { color : green; } H1 { font-family :
sans-serif; } BODY { color : purple; } P { color : green; } H3 { color :
navy; } LI { color : green; } #one { color : green; } #id1 { color :
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purple; } H3 + H4 { color : green; } UL + { border-top : 3px solid
green; } EM + STRONG { color : green; } H3.opener + { border-top : 3px
solid green; } A { color : green; } A:link { color : purple; } A:visited
{ color : lime; } #id1 { color : #006600; } A.external:link { color :
olive; } A.external:visited { color : maroon; } .test { background-color
: silver; } .cl1 { margin-right : 10px; } .cl2 { margin-right : 15px; }
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UL LI LI { color : gray; } LI.red { color : green; } UL LI.mar { color :
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groove silver; } p.ttopalign img, span.ttopalign { vertical-align :
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2em; background : aqua; } .cl7 { text-indent : 2ex; background : aqua; }
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uppercase; } div.inh2 { text-transform : lowercase; } .cl1 { white-space
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normal; } div.inh1 { white-space : pre; } table { margin : 20px 150px;
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1px dotted purple; } .cl1 { caption-side : top; } .cl2 { caption-side :
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table-layout : auto; } table { background : gray; width : 300px; padding
: 10px; border-spacing : 3px; } table td { background : #ff9; color :
black; border : 2px outset silver; } .cl1 { border-collapse : separate; }
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solid black; } table.cl3 td { border : 1px solid red; padding : 1em; }
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width : 300px; border-spacing : 6px 3px; } table td { background : #ff9;
color : black; } .cl1 { border-collapse : separate; } .cl2 {
border-collapse : collapse; } table { background : gray; width : 300px;
border-collapse : separate; } table td { background : #ff9; color :
black; border : 1px solid green; } .cl1 { empty-cells : show; } .cl2,
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outline : invert thick solid; } div.parent { outline : none; } div.inh1
{ outline : red 10px solid; } div.inh2 { outline : red 1em inset; }
- The Perfect American - Untitled
0.33em 0.66em; border : thin solid #cbcac1; color : inherit; background
: rgb(250, 250, 250); } .home > ol > li:nth-child(even) {
background : rgb(251, 251, 251); } .home ol ol, #front ol { margin : 0;
padding : 0 0 0 2.5em; border : none; list-style-type : decimal; }
#testgrid, .testgrid { background-image : url(../_img/grid2a.png);
background-repeat : repeat; background-position : 10px 10px; border :
1px solid #333; margin : 0 3% 1em; padding : 10px; } #testgrid,
.testgrid, .test { font-size-adjust : none; } hr { margin : 1em 3%;
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background : transparent; } .note::before { content : “[note]”; padding :
0 1ex 0 0; font-style : italic; font-weight : bolder; background :
#ffc; color : inherit; margin : 0 1ex 0 0; } .lastmod { font-size :
0.8em; line-height : 1.875; font-style : italic; text-align : right;
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0.3em; background : url(../_img/lcn_bkg3c.png) 100% 100% no-repeat
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#000; } span[class*=”st5”] { color : #f00; background : #ccc; } #t2
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padding : 3px; } #t1 , #t2 { background : #f2f2f2; color : lime; } #t2
h5 ~ , #t2 h5 { color : yellow; background : blue; } #t3 h5 + , #t3 h5 {
color : lime; background : #ccc; } .testgrid::before { color : green;
background : #f1f1f1; font-size : 2em; content : “\003C div\003E\0020”;
border : 3px double #b00; } .testgrid h5::after { color : yellow;
font-size : 2em; background : blue; content : “\003C h5\003E\0020”; }
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background : blue; } #t2 > h5 { font-size : 3em; color : #090;
background : #cfc; } div#t1 :first-child { background : lime; color :
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background : lime; color : #fff; } #t2 ::first-letter { color : #ccc;
font-size : 300%; font-weight : bold; background : #c00; } #t2
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- The Perfect American - Untitled